

We are not eBay.


Feel free to join our Discord.

Tips for using the web app

1. Avoid reloading the page; instead, utilize the provided buttons for navigation within our app.
2. Refrain from opening multiple tabs of the game page simultaneously.
3. Adjust the appearance of our app using your browser's zoom function (if available).
4. We recommend using Firefox, Chrome/Chromium, or browsers based on the Chromium engine.
5. Ensure that JavaScript execution and local storage usage are enabled in your browser.

The web app is not working as intended.

Check out these tips. If you still think the bug is on our side, feel free to contact toptraderdeluxe via Discord or send us an email at (English or German).

Are mobile devices supported?

Mobile devices are supported; however, we recommend using devices with larger displays in landscape orientation.

How many players can fit into a lobby?

While there is no specific limit on the number of players per lobby, there are other limits based on players and connections. We cannot predict the web app's behavior when a large number of players join. However, we anticipate that up to 500 players in one lobby should not result in any lag in most cases.

Information for Streamers

We welcome and encourage content creators to share their experiences with our platform. However, we strongly recommend having products reviewed by a trusted individual, as there may be items that could potentially violate the guidelines of streaming platforms.


We strive to maintain a high level of availability for our platform. While we typically announce scheduled maintenance in advance, it's important to note that unforeseen circumstances may lead to partial or complete outages of the platform at any time. We appreciate your understanding.

Player Ranking

The score received in a round is solely based on how close the price estimate is to the actual price. Time differences in submission do not affect the score. Estimates that are more than 100% off receive no points. The points from each round are added to form a total score, determining the corresponding rank. Even though the score is always an integer, the actual score is calculated and stored much more precisely internally. This means changes in rank may occur, even though an integer point change is not visible.

Player Ranking does now contain all players

If there are many players in one lobby/game, not all players will show up in the player ranking to avoid overloading the network.

If you are not a streamer, we kindly request you to disable your AdBlocker to support our web app. Your cooperation means a lot to us. Thank you!